6. Create a TruecallerSdkScope object by using the appropriate configurational settings and use it to initialise the TruecallerSDK in your android activity's onCreate method :
You will find complete details on the configuration options in the TruecallerSdkScope object as described above, and all the possible available values in the immediate next section of this documentation here
Here, sdkCallback is an interface that you need to define in your app where you would get the success or failure callbacks. You will find details about the implementation in this section
Please note, sdkOptions enables you to configure the verification capability of Truecaller SDK. If you want to use the SDK for verification of Truecaller users only, you should provide the scope value as TruecallerSdkScope.SDK_OPTION_WITHOUT_OTP
If you want to use the SDK for verification of Truecaller users as well as non-Truecaller users powered by Truecaller's drop call / OTP ( for implementation details, refer Verifying non-Truecaller users section ), you should provide the scope value as TruecallerSdkScope.SDK_OPTION_WITH_OTP
Truecaller SDK needs to be initialised only once and the same instance can be accessed at any place within your app, without the need to initialise it again, via TruecallerSDK.getInstance()
Initialising the SDK at more than one place can lead to undesired behaviour
Once you initialise the TruecallerSDK using the init() method, if you are using the SDK for verification of only Truecaller users ( by setting the sdkOptions scope as TruecallerSdkScope.SDK_OPTION_WITHOUT_OTP ), you can check if the Truecaller app is present on the user's device or not by using the following method
You can trigger the Truecaller profile verification dialog anywhere in your app flow by calling the following method
In case isUsable() method returns false, implying that Truecaller app is not present on the device, you can take the user to your app screen and continue with the verification flow for non-Truecaller users OR choose to use your own verification flow [ Refer image below ]
Last updated
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